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Training Courses

Deepen your understanding and empower others

Fundamental Transference Healing® Training

Step Into Your Self-Healing and Ascension Journey

Join me in my personal sacred space in Cheshire for this three-day immersive training, where you will receive a profound initiation into the Transference Healing® Diamond Pyramid of Light™. This foundational training will energetically template and grid you, empowering you to run Transference Healing® for yourself and others.


  • Discover the power of self-healing and self-mastery

  • Learn to channel Transference Healing® frequencies

  • Support divine alchemical healing and ascension

  • Activate and integrate your Lightbody

  • Align with higher dimensional frequencies for transformation


By learning and mastering these fundamental procedures, you create alchemy in the physical body, forming the core foundation for any advanced Transference Healing training you may pursue.

Transference Healing Accessories
Are you ready?

This training is for those who:

  • Are committed to their personal and spiritual growth

  • Want to learn self-healing techniques to shift blocks and unlock their potential

  • Feel ready to step into their authentic self and manifest their divine gifts

  • Are drawn to the alchemy and transformation of Transference Healing®


Suggested Preparation:
To enhance your learning experience, I recommend:

  • Reading Beyond Doorways for key concepts on the Diamond Pyramid of Light and Lightbody integration

  • Drawing Animal Magic cards regularly to develop intuition and divination skills

  • Displaying your Chiron template in your home for energetic alignment

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Full Training Cost: £1975
Deposit: £975 (non-refundable, required to secure your place)
Remaining Balance: £1000 (due 6 weeks before training)

Payment Plans Available


Important Considerations

Before committing to this transformative journey, here are key factors to consider:

Non-Refundable Deposit – Each kit is energetically assigned to you and cannot be reassigned. It is essential to step into this journey with full commitment.
Energy Activation Begins at Booking – Once you register, the energy immediately starts to run, initiating purifications and initiations to prepare you for higher frequency light energies.
A Deep Commitment – This training is designed for those who are ready to take ownership of their spiritual and healing journey, release blocks, and align with their authentic self and divine soul purpose.

Etheric Body
Transference Healing® Advanced
Teacher's Training

with the Channel, Anchor & Founder of Transference Healing® - Alexis Cartwright

Take the next step and continue to expand your Journey


Further awaken your gifts and talents and connect to your spiritual and soul's destiny with

Advanced and Teacher's Training ā€‹


Live Online Advanced Training 16-17 September 2025 

Teacher's Training, 19 September 2025ā€‹


Become a ‘certified’ Transference Healing Practitioner, which will enable you to charge for your services & have a listing as a certified Transference Healing Practitioner on the Transference Healing website.

Following Advanced training,  you are entitled to attend the Teachers Training.

Advanced Training
with Alexis Cartwright

This 2-day online training works with the lightbody. Gain the knowledge & skill to support yourself, loved ones & clients.

Teacher's Training
with Alexis Cartwright

This 1-day online training supports you to actively participate in the empowerment of others. Become a certified Teacher.

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